Eric Almquist

Contact me to discuss your metallurgical processing line needs.
Material EngineerERIC ALMQUIST
Increase productivity & quality yields of metallurigcal sheet producers by providing premiumproducts & ideas with respectiful, no-nonsense communication.- Metallurgical process line Technology:
- Industrial Augmented Reality (AR) systems.
- NonWoven Process Rolls – 3M Mill Rolls, NCCM Mill Rolls.
- Surface Cleanliness & Finishing – Non-contact surface cleanliness monitor, Cleaning brushes, Producing aesthetic finishes on metal
- Machine Vision for quality and process control.
- Roll Cleaning – Innovative products and systems to mitigate process line roll marking.
- Special Projects – Develop & engineer simple and practical solutions for problems.
- Interpersonal Skills – Able to interact with any profession from any culture across the globe.